In order to ensure safe access to school, we provide transport facilities island-wise. All our buses are air-conditioned, with Moderate capacity, in order to reduce pick-up/drop-off stops. This results in less travel time and is also much safer in these pandemic times. All the buses are equipped with a first-aid box and seat belts to ensure the overall safety of our students.

Transport Fee |2025 - 2026

$285 + GST per month will be charged irrespective of distance between residence and school.


Payment Mode

Payment schedule:

Transportation fee is chargeable for all months in an Academic Session. The fees is payable bi-monthly.

Six terms per annum: April, June, August, October, December & February.

Payments can be made by NETS, Cash or Cheque.

  • GST @ 9% applicable for all fees payable.
  • Late Fee / Administration Fee per Week: $50. For all fees payable, GIGIS permits a
    maximum of 3 days’ delay from the scheduled due date as stated in the Standard
    Student Contract. Thereafter, a Late Fee will be charged.
  • If late payment is received within 7 days after the due date, Late Fee chargeable is $50.
  • After 7 days from the scheduled date of payment, an additional $50 per week is
  • Minimum fifteen (15) working days would be required to arrange transport upon receiving a request in any instance like new request / change of address etc.
  • Two (2) full calendar months notification is required to CANCEL transportation.
  • Two (2) full calendar months notification is required to RE-JOIN once cancelled.
  • Fee Structure mentioned above is for TWO -WAY transportation and for ONE – WAY, it is 70% of the below fees.